G Suite Add-on Google Analytics

Google Sheets Add-on GA Dashboard

I recently launched a new Google Sheets Add-on (ebay Data Extract) and, of course, I was interested to see how it was performing.

As part of the publishing process, Google allows you to specify a Google Analytics account to use with the Add-on listing page. It’s a single page so the amount of data that can be collected in the GA account is limited but I was pleased to discover that Google fires 2 events from the listing page into the GA account for you; START_INSTALL and FINISH_INSTALL.

So as well as collecting some basic audience data and acquisition data you can also see how many users go on to install the add-on. Great! Because the amount of data being collected isn’t huge and GA can be a bit of a pain to navigate through I decided to create a GA Dashboard to get a snapshot of my add-on usage:

Google Sheets Add On GA Dashboard

The left hand column displays details about the traffic my add-on receives; Where they are located, how they found the add-on and a break down of the traffic source.

The central column is a funnel depiction of a users activity on the listing page going from total number of Total Sessions > Install Started > Install Complete.

The final column provides location data on the users who successfully installed the add-on.

The good news is because the data in a Google G Suite Add-on GA account is standard this dashboard can be used by other Add-on creators. So here you go:

G Suite Add On Dashboard

Click the link and apply the dashboard to your Add-on GA view.

Do let me know if you found this dashboard useful, if you have any suggestions on how it can be improved or if you’ve modified it in any way for your own use.

Google Analytics Marketplace Plugins

ebay Analytics Add-on (holding-name)

This is a work in progress. See for updates.

Essentially, the ebay Analytics Add-on pulls data from the ebay API and inputs the data into Google Sheets. The user can then analyse the data however they want.

Some initial ideas I have for it’s use are:

  • Competitor analysis – monitor how many sales your competitors are making on their ebay listings
  • Price watch – see when a listing changes price
  • Sales analysis – monitor your own performance and create more appealing charts using Google Sheets and Google Data Centre
  • AB Testing